Note: This is a collection of sites/tools to help students and
enthusiasts. I am posting it gain because I frequently get the question
and there is no simple answer
Typing ancient Greek on
computers and hand-held devices is increasingly necessary, but remains
more difficult than it needs to. I won’t regale you with horror stories
of the days of symbol based fonts when every journal used a different
format that required separate entry or converters. But, it did involve
keyboard maps that looked like this:
Unicode has made things much easier because almost every font can potentially be Greek.
But text entry can remain an issue for new Greek users. The
main challenge for those of us with Roman letter keyboards is that we
need to be able to use Polytonic Greek (Polytonic means “with many
accents and diacritical marks”; most Greek keyboards are for the simpler
modern Greek).
Just to clarify, then, the challenge is getting your device to assign
the symbols you want to the keyboard you have and to modify these
symbols with diacritical marks (breathings, accents, etc.). If you are
just copying and pasting things already used in Greek, you don’t
actually need to change anything. (And, if you are quoting long portions
of Greek text, I strongly suggest just copying and pasting from the
TLG, Perseus, etc. and then checking against varied editions.) But if
you want to be a Greek Boss you need to change your keyboard settings.
Most devices already have settings that allow you to do this. (There
are assistance utilities for those of us who have less
patience/ability). Apple/MAC products tend to have simpler instructions,
but sometimes still present challenges. PC/Android products can be
annoying. But don’t get too frustrated–just imagine what it was like
before computers!
Please add comments and I will add to the list.
4. I use the Antioch utility.
Campus antivirus programs will not allow it to be downloaded and
installed. You need to do it from a private residence. I have not tried Keyman, but it looks promising. A similar utility mentioned by Mt Holyoke and Baumann for Apple products is SophoKeys (yay wordplay!). See also, Bill Thayer’s cyborg Typinator.
You do not need to download anything (let alone *pay* for anything!) to type in Greek. A Greek keyboard already comes installed on your computer—you just have to turn it on. It’s very easy; here’s how.